Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Twilight Saga : New Moon Review

Here's the New Moon review coming from Tim Robey of

On one level, the appeal of the Twilight franchise is obvious: heartache sells, sexy vampires are on trend, and there’s something about the unattainability of Robert Pattinson’s Edward Cullen (and by extension, R.Pattz himself) which gives his fans the sense of ownership they demand.

For the non-Robsessed, connecting with the mythology of Stephenie Meyer’s series is a different matter -- it’s a pick ‘n’ mix of watered-down fantasy concepts in chalk-white emo styling. The middle hour (of what feels like three) will induce not just heavy R.Pattz withdrawal in the key audience -- Edward dumps Bella (Kristen Stewart) and disappears for her own safety -- but catalepsy in anyone wanting stuff to, you know, happen. She falls in with newly-buff Quileute neighbour Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and they fix up motorbikes, until he finally comes out as a werewolf.

Under Chris Weitz’s direction, the actors have gained some confidence, and this chaste love triangle among creatures of the night has all the requisite looks of tortured longing. What it misses is any animating pulse: we just wait and wait for the bleeding obvious. The movie is best enjoyed for its dowdy sops to teen culture -- vampires with email addresses, lycanthropes with six-packs -- but for anyone on the outside looking in, the insulation of the characters from real danger makes it a bit of a drag.

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